Things I Heard Or Said

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Posts Tagged ‘midnight sons

I Wrote This – Frank Drake, Vampire Hunter

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Thanks to a Twitter question (“If you had to make a comic based off one music album, what would it be?”) from super rad comics artist Liana Kangas (website) and our mutual appreciation for Queens of the Stone Age’s 2002 hard rock masterpiece, Songs for the Deaf, I was inspired to dig up an old piece of RPG ephemera from early Marvel-based games I played on the internet.

Back when I was doing most of my gaming online, my main haunt was a Marvel RPG chat room, that was essentially set up like how you would a LARP, but since we’re all in different places, various scenes weren’t as limited as to when they could be occurring. Everybody involved was big into world and character building, lots of backstory writing and if we weren’t interacting with each other or NPCs in scenes, we did a lot of solo noodling. For every character I created (or in the case of canon characters, reworked), there’s a short story that functioned as an introduction, and solo scenes that fleshed out the character furthered once I got to play around with them. Talking with Liana on Twitter reminded me of one of the characters I was most fond of tweaking.

After listening to a bunch of QOTSA (Songs for the Deaf and Lullabyes to Paralyze, mostly), solo Mark Lanegan (Songs for the Whiskey GhostI’ll Take Care of YouBubblegum, and his albums with Isobel Campbell), and Tom Waits, I re-imagined Frank Drake as supernatural inflected answer/counter to Tony Stark. Both scientifically-minded, but where Stark has his bleeding-edge tech, and fancy laboratories, Drake works out of machine shops and grimy garages. What follows was his character backstory, and the first post I made for him in chat.

Yes, I’m fully aware that outside of the greater context of an RPG, this is functionally fan fiction. Fight me. Fan fiction’s great. Also, this only has a smidgen of editing and is several years old, so pardon self as I get my targets killed.

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Written by djregular

February 26, 2019 at 8:10 pm